"..That January comes from the name of the Roman god Janus two-faced? Front facing one year old and a second face facing the new year."
"... That the top of the Eiffel Tower can be swung up to 6-7 cm because of the wind and 18 cm from the heat?"
"... That Pepsi-Cola introduced its products in China with the slogan Pepsi gives you life? But the translation was wrong, so in it goes into Pepsi Tionghoa your ancestors back from the grave!"
"... That most birds must eat at least half their weight every day?"
"... That the water in the lake Great Salt Lake, in the state of Utah, United States, four times more salty than the water in the ocean anywhere in the world?" (wikipedia)
hopefully useful, good read! :) (yani)
artiin apa!!
BalasHapuswkwawkakakwkakwa translate sendiri yo..!